Join us on Thursday, June 20th, 2024 at the San Manuel Village for an in-person IECIAA training.
Training Topic: International Terrorism Investigative Case Study
Presenter: LASD Major Crimes Bureau Detective, FBI-LA/JTTF
Presentation Summary:
Since 09/11 , the Intelligence Community at all levels of law enforcement (LE)- Local , State and Federal- has been thrust into the Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) model. The ILP model is proactive, in contrast to the more conventional method of reactive or responsive policing. In reactive policing , a crime has already occurred and been reported, and the role of law enforcement is to investigate and identify the suspect. Traditional reactive or responsive policing does not necessarily prevent the harm from happening in the first place. ILP, however, focuses on gathering and analyzing data to neutralize and thwart future threats and attacks. Use of ILP requires a paradigm shift from conventional methods and incorporates risk assessment and management, multi-disciplinary tools and techniques , and collaboration between agencies.
One example of a success story of a joint LASD/FBI-JTTF operation is an International Terrorism case that originally began with a minor and his encounter with the local Sheriff's Department Patrol Station jurisdiction. This one Case Study has spanned over 11 years and has taken us around the world across 6 countries , and covered multiple Mobilization , Preparation , and Motivation Indicators through the ever-changing "Behavior Stages " exhibited by the subject (as found in the joint FBI/NCTC/DHS Mobilization Indicators booklet). Although all Federal and JTTF casework has officially closed, the work of criminal intelligence gathering on this case has continued for years and continues still to this day as radicalization , mental health, drug use, and violent tendencies are still manifest in the subject.
This presentation will share how this fascinating case evolved, and how the LASD, in collaboration with personnel across several different agencies , worked together to gather criminal intelligence on the subject in question.
Copyright IECIAA 2021